Document Lens - User Release Notes


  • AWS Marketplace compatibility


  • UFLENS-70: Record all lens sub-activities in the provenance.

  • UFLENS-83: Bug Fix: The Lens does not start if the user does not provide AWS credentials


  • UFLENS-57: Dead Letter Queue messages are now much richer, and include additional information in JSON format, to more easily facilitate consumption by an external process.

  • UFLENS-59: It is now possible to force a re-read of the externally loaded taxonomy on a running lens.

  • UFLENS-61: It is now possible to choose which provenance activities are generated for your transformed data.

  • UFLENS-64: Fixed a problem where the lens would crash if the externally loaded taxonomy endpoint could not be accessed.

  • UFLENS-67: Update the Application Name, and default Friendly Name to 'Document Lens'.


This is the first official release of the Document Lens.

It generates semantic annotations for an inputted Document, based on configured ontologies.


  • Generates annotations for supplied documents. Relating document content, to named entities based on provided taxonimies.

  • Capable of reading external ontologies via a sparql endpoint.

  • Supplied as a Docker Container, available from DockerHub.

  • Supports the following input file formats:

    • PDF

    • TXT

    • DOCX

  • May be triggered via Message bus, or directly via RESTful endpoint.

  • Input / Output files may be accessed from on-premise, or cloud locations.

  • Provenance as standard.