Lens Writer - User Release Notes
Added support for Cypher based Property Graphs (e.g. Neo4j)
Added support for Gremlin based Property Graphs
Added the ability to ingest and publish a Debezium Change Data Capture feed
Added support for the AWS Default Credentials Provider Chain. In addition to the environment variables, AWS Credentials can now be set in more ways
Minimised the config required at startup and added the ability to save and restore configuration as well as editing on a running Lens
Added the ability to test the triplestore connection via an endpoint
The Writer now fully supports inserts and updates to Oxford Semantic's RDFox Knowledge Graph
Returns an exception message when processing fails via endpoint triggering
AWS Marketplace compatibility
The Writer now supports the ability to send updates to your Triple Store or Graph Store as a new form of ingestion, replacing existing data where relevant.
AWS Marketplace compatibility
The Writer now supports the ability to send updates to your Triple Store or Graph Store as a new form of ingestion, replacing existing data where relevant.
WRITER-45: The Writer now has the ability to delete RDF source files that it has successfully loaded into the knowledge graph.
WRITER-48: The Writer now supports Writing to Neo4j
WRITER-47: Dead Letter Queue messages are now much richer, and include additional information in JSON format, to more easily facilitate consumption by an external process.
WRITER-53: Updated to v7.1.2 of the Stardog SDK
WRITER-25: For situations where a message bus is not expected to be used, it is now possible to run the Writer in a Kafka-less mode.
WRITER-46: Support for AllegroGraph has been confirmed.
This is the first official release of the Writer.
The Writer’s function is to take the Lens output, and write it to a Knowledge Graph.
Capable of writing to a wide variety of Knowledge Graphs:
Any Knowledge Graph that provides a standard SPARQL endpoint
Supplied as a Docker Container, available from DockerHub.
May be triggered via Message bus, or directly via RESTful endpoint.
RDF files may be accessed from on-premise, or cloud locations.