SQL Lens - User Release Notes


  • Added support for Property Graphs by generating nodes and edges files

  • Lens data directories are created on startup minimising required config

  • Ability to save and restore configuration as well as editing on a running lens

  • Added the ability to directly query a database

  • Added a Kafka Consumer as a new way of triggering the lens

  • Added the latest Oracle DB drivers

  • Added to the suite of built in functions

  • Added fine grain logging control


  • Added support for different output file types (NQuads, NTriples, JSON-LD, Turtle, Trig, and Trix)

  • Removed NamedGraphs being attached to triples when provenance is switched off


  • The SQL Lens now fully supports Denodo and the 'com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver' JDBC driver


  • Returns an exception message when processing fails via endpoint triggering


  • AWS Marketplace compatibility

  • The Lens can now accept new Custom Functions via an endpoint


  • SQLLENS-55: Update to the latest custom RML Mapper

  • SQLLENS-69: Fix Docker image security vulnerabilities as seen in ECR


  • SQLLENS-47: It is now possible to choose which provenance activities are generated for your transformed data.

  • SQLLENS-51: Dead Letter Queue messages are now much richer, and include additional information in JSON format, to more easily facilitate consumption by an external process.

  • SQLLENS-52: Update to our latest custom RMLMapper which prevents erroneous IRI encoding.


  • SQLLENS-26: For situations where a message bus is not expected to be used, it is now possible to run the SQL Lens in a kafka-less mode.

  • SQLLENS-46: Added support for the following new mapping functions:

    • retrieveValueFromDelimitedListTests

    • extractCharactersFromStartTest

    • extractCharactersFromEndTest


This is the first official release of the SQL Lens.

It is a highly configurable pipeline component, which will transform data stored in an SQL Database into a Knowledge Graph compatible output.


  • Highly configurable transformation from data held in an SQL Database, to RDF.

  • Supplied as a Docker Container, available from DockerHub.

  • Supports the following SQL Databases:

    • MySQL

    • Microsoft SQL Server

    • Oracle

    • Postgre SQL

    • IBM DB2

    • MariaDB

    • SAP Hana

    • IBM Informix

    • Firebird

    • Hyper SQL

    • H2

    • Supports the following output file formats:

      • NQuads

    • Capable of iteratively transforming data from any size of SQL Database result-set..

    • May be triggered via a schedule, or explicitly via a RESTful endpoint.

    • Output files may be written to any on-premise, or cloud location.

    • Provenance as standard.